Design and application of public traffic transfer algorithm based on the logic network

Public traffic transfer function is an important element of transport service in the smart city. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the previous three categories algorithm in the aspects of efficiency and rationality, and then puts forward a transfer algorithm on the principle of least transfer times and combined with shortest path algorithm based on the topological properties of the public transport network, which takes into account walking transfer. Same name and near stops were merged into one logic site so as to reduce the network scale when searched, a logic bus network is generated with riding and walking two types adjacency relationship. The least transfer algorithm considers walking transfer when searching, and its problem of the curse of dimensionality is solved so that the efficiency is greatly improved. Shortest path algorithm is used for searching more than three transfers. The searched results are evaluated by multi-index, which their betters are selected and grouped. Finally, Beijing public transport data is applied to verify the algorithm.