Analyzing Glide-Symmetric Holey Metasurfaces Using a Generalized Floquet Theorem

In this paper, we present a general mode matching formulation to analyze the wave propagation in glide-symmetric metallic surfaces drilled with periodic holes with an arbitrary cross section. A generalized Floquet theorem is applied to reduce the computational cost by imposing boundary conditions only on one of the two surfaces. With a small modification, the formulation can be used also for dispersion analysis of a holey metallic surface with or without a metal plane above it. The method is fast and efficient, and it provides physical insight on the specific symmetry properties of Floquet harmonics in glide-symmetric structures. The formulation is applied to obtain dispersion diagrams of glide-symmetric structures with circular holes as this kind of hole is usually used in practical applications to realize gap waveguides or wideband planar lenses. The results agree well with the reference results from commercial software CST Microwave Studio.

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