Bulanık TOPSIS Metodu ile Karar Verme: İnşaat Projelerinde Yüklenici Seçimi(Decision Making Through the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method: Contractor Selection in Construction Projects)

Yukleniciler insaat projelerinin istenen sekilde surdurulebilmesi noktasinda onemli rol oynamaktadirlar. Istenen ozelliklerde bir yuklenicinin secilmis olmasi, projenin basarisi icin onemli bir kosuldur. Yuklenici secimi, sayisal ve sayisal olmayan ozellikleri barindiran bircok kriterli karar verme problemidir. Bu calismada, yuklenici seciminde kullanilmak uzere analitik hiyerarsi sureci (AHS) ve bulanik TOPSIS yontemlerini iceren bir yaklasim onerilmistir. AHS ile secim kriterlerinin agirliklari tespit edilmis, TOPSIS yontemi ile de uygun yuklenici alternatifleri degerlendirilmistir. Ayrica onerilen yaklasima iliskin, insaat endustrisinden bir uygulama ornegi sunulmustur. Abstract Construction contractors have a great role in terms of operation work properly in construction project management. An effective contractor selection is most important to the success of any construction projects. Contractor selection is a multi criteria decision making problem which includes qualitative and quantitative characteristics. For the contractor selection problem, this study proposes a combined decision approach, which employs analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Fuzzy Technique Ordered Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)  methods. In the proposed approach, AHP is used to determine the weights of selection criteria, and Fuzzy TOPSIS is used to select appropriate contractor alternative. Additionally, a real case study in construction industry is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed approach