User-Centered Label Design Guidelines for Child Restraint Systems

Child Restraint Systems (CRS; car seats) are designed to prevent injuries in motor vehicle collisions. CRS misuse and installation errors are common and may seriously reduce or nullify safety benefits. Poorly designed labels and instructions contribute to CRS misuse, and CRS manufacturers are not held to an evidence-based label design standard. This paper describes a user-centered design (UCD) and evaluation process for infant/child convertible (rear-facing/forward-facing) CRS installation labels. The labels focused on two primary tasks: installing a CRS into a vehicle and securing a child into the CRS. The label design concepts were based on literature identifying primary areas for CRS misuse, Human Factors and UCD principles, product warning and label design standards, and current Canadian and US motor vehicle safety standards. A follow-up study will evaluate the reduction of CRS installation errors based on the hypothesized enhanced label usability and effectiveness.