The main goal of this study is to investigate the treatment effect of combined therapy over Keratitis Herpetica Dendritica applying drugs Pandavir and Acycovir in combination with He-Ne laser irradiation. The current survey includes 75 patients with Keratitis Herpetica Dendritica that are divided in three groups. The first group of 25 patients is treated with Acycovir. The second group, which includes 24 patients, is treated with Pandavir and Acycovir. In the third group that consists from 26 patients, besides the abovementioned combination of drugs is applied low-level laser therapy using He-Ne laser, emitted at 632,8 nm wavelength, with power density 0,3 mW/cm2 and light exposure used - 3 minutes. The flourescein reaction was monitored every day to detect the eye recovery. We observe earliest answer reaction to the treatment applied in the group of He-Ne laser& Pandavir&Acycovir, revealing as inflammation suppression and perifocal edema disappearance in the group treated. Eyes treated only with Acycovir present mean time of improvement (MTI), as the flourescein colorization disappearance and epithelization setting in for 9,3±1,2 days is observed. Similar results were obtained on the eyes treated in double combination, Pandavir and Acycovir, with MTI - 8,2±1,1 days. The best effect was obtained by the triple combination: Pandavir, Acycovir and He-Ne laser (statistically proved), with the mean time of improvement 6,2±1,3 days. The combined laser treatment shows significant additional effect on the recovery rate. The combined treatment with He-Ne laser, Pandavir and Acycovir is revealed as an efficient method for eye therapy of Keratitis Herpetica Dendritica.
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