Tough hydrogels with rapid self-reinforcement

Tougher when stressed Hydrogels are typically weak materials because they contain only a small fraction of polymeric material highly swollen with water. Strength can be increased by adding extra cross-linking or interpenetrating networks with some sacrificial bonds to enhance toughness; however, these properties deteriorate upon stretching and may be slow to recover after relaxation. Liu et al. developed polyethylene glycol hydrogels cross-linked with moderate fractions of polymers that form sliding rings. These allow the chain to orient in parallel when stretched, leading to rapid and reversible strain-induced crystallization and thus much tougher hydrogels. Science, aaz6694, this issue p. 1078 Strain-induced crystallization helps hydrogels retain mechanical robustness and reversibility under repeated loading cycles. Most tough hydrogels are reinforced by introducing sacrificial structures that can dissipate input energy. However, because the sacrificial damage cannot rapidly recover, the toughness of these gels drops substantially during consecutive cyclic loadings. We propose a damageless reinforcement strategy for hydrogels using strain-induced crystallization. For slide-ring gels in which polyethylene glycol chains are highly oriented and mutually exposed under large deformation, crystallinity forms and melts with elongation and retraction, resulting both in almost 100% rapid recovery of extension energy and excellent toughness of 6.6 to 22 megajoules per square meter, which is one order of magnitude larger than the toughness of covalently cross-linked homogeneous gels of polyethylene glycol.