Evaluating accessibility and usability of Web pages

BobbySM is a computer-based tool that supports Universal Design of a specific computer-human interface, the World Wide Web. The notion of a universally designed Web challenges society to think about plurality—to consider all individuals, regardless of age, ability, race, or economic or cultural background—when developing new technologies. Yet at this time, though the Web has much potential for broad inclusion, it often excludes some people from participating in much the same way that a staircase prevents a person in a wheelchair from going in a building’s door. In response to this, CAST launched Bobby in August 1996. Bobby teaches Web designers about Web accessibility by displaying accessibility problems directly within the context of the designer’s site. Bobby is a teaching tool, helping Web designers (including the rapidly growing number of non-professional designers who are putting up sites) learn skills they can apply later. The more people use Bobby, the more likely they will be to integrate accessibility principles into their way of thinking and the irstyle of Web site design.