Artificial intelligence and mobile robots: case studies of successful robot systems

Introduction - mobile robots - a proving ground for AI, R. Peter Bonasso et al. Part 1 Mapping and navigation: introduction, David Kortenkamp map learning and high-speed navigation in RHINO, Sebastian Thrun et al integrating high-speed obstacle avoidance, global path planning and vision sensing on a mobile robot, David Kortenkamp et al Dervish - an office-navigating robot, Ilah Nourbackhsh Xavier - a robot navigation architecture based on partially observable Markov decision process models, Sven Koenig and Reid G. Simmons. Part 2 Vision for mobile robots: introduction, Robin Murphy and David Kortenkamp the Polly system, Ian Horswill coordination and control of sensing for mobility using action-oriented perception, Robin R. Murphy vehicle guidance architecture for combined lane tracking and obstacle avoidance, Bill Schiller et al. Part 3 Mobile robot architectures: introduction, R. Peter Bonasso three-layer architectures, Erann Gat the Saphira architecture for autonomous mobile robots, Kurt Konolige and Karen Myers the animate agent architecture, R. James Firby et al cooperative multiagent robotic systems, Ronald C. Arkin and Tucker Balch toward advanced mobile robots for manufacturing, Huosheng Hu and Michael Brady the "Phoenix" autonomous underwater vehicle, Don Brutzmann et al.