The geometry of fractal sets

Preface Introduction Notation 1. Measure and dimension 2. Basic density properties 3. Structure of sets of integral dimension 4. Structure of sets of non-integral dimension 5. Comparable net measures 6. Projection properties 7. Besicovitch and Kakeya sets 8. Miscellaneous examples of fractal sets References Index.

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[7]  A. Besicovitch,et al.  On the fundamental geometrical properties of linearly measurable plane sets of points , 1928 .

[8]  A. Besicovitch On Kakeya's problem and a similar one , 1928 .

[9]  Sur quelques points de la théorie de la longueur , 1929 .

[10]  A. Besicovitch,et al.  On linear sets of points of fractional dimension , 1929 .

[11]  On the Density of Irregular Linearly Measurable sets of Points , 1931 .

[12]  V. Jarník Über die simultanen diophantischen Approximationen , 1931 .

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[14]  On the projection of irregular linearly measurable plane sets of points , 1934 .

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[16]  On a Theorem of Besicovitch , 1935 .

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[34]  A. S. Besicovitch A general form of the covering principle and relative differentiation of additive functions. II , 1945 .

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[37]  P. Erdös On the Hausdorff dimension of some sets in Euclidean space , 1946 .

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[90]  J. R. Kinney A Thin Set of Circles , 1968 .

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