The electric arc furnace process : towards an electricity consumption below 200 kWh/t

There is a strong trend towards a decreased use of electricity in electric arc fumace (EAF) steelmaking. A modern EAF has a total energy turnover at about 650 kWh/t, but only 60% of that energy is needed to melt the scrap. The electricity consumption is roughly 400 kWh/t in combination with different types of chemical energy. However, we can find fumaces operating at 300 kWh/ t, or even below, which is mainly explained by a lower energy turnover and an increased addition of other forms of energy. The paper gives an overview of the latest technologies employed in the EAF process, and outlines the path towards an electricity consumption below 200 kWh/t, conceived for an existing EAF mill. It should be possible to reach this figure by employing today's available technologies and a somewhat changed operation practice, but without substantially altering the furnace.