The fundamental question whether aluminum-free semiconductor lasers in the 808 nm band are significantly more reliable than Al-containing lasers is still open. We have fabricated and tested high-power InGaAlAs/GaAs-lasers which show excellent reliability data at and above 40 W cw. The laser structure consists of an InGaAlAs-double-quantum well (DQW) as active layer embedded in a large optical cavity (LOC) waveguide structure. The layers were grown in a low pressure MOVPE (LP- MOVPE) reactor using high quality precursors. Asymmetrically coated bars with a width of 1 cm containing 25 groups of 200 micrometer wide emitters were mounted junction down on actively cooled heatsinks. At a heatsink temperature of 18 degrees Celsius the slope-efficiency is 1.1 - 1.2 W/A. Due to the low series-resistance of 2.2 m(Omega) and the low internal losses in the range of 1.7 cm-1 the overall efficiency at 40 W cw reaches 50%. Lifetime studies over 33 0000 h accumulated device hours show that the laser bars with a resonator length of 900 micrometer can be operated at 40 W with high reliability. The mean degradation rate is -0.11%/kh. This result emphasizes that Al-containing lasers can also have a very high reliability usually claimed for Al-free lasers. As a consequence of these encouraging results we will start further lifetime tests at 50 to 60 W.