Electron-phonon interaction in La 2¿x Sr x CuO 4 investigated by Raman scattering

Using high-quality single crystals of La22xSrxCuO4, Raman scattering spectra in the ~c,c! geometry have been investigated in different Sr concentrations ( x50,0.1,0.113,0,15,0.22) and in the wide temperature region. It has been found that the apical oxygen vibration along the c axis shows the following anomalous behaviors in the dependences of the Sr concentration and temperature. With the increase of the Sr concentration, the peak intensity abruptly decreases from x50 to 0.1 and its line shape becomes asymmetric. In the temperature dependence, its energy is almost constant or slightly decreases with decreasing temperature, and also its intensity decreases above 100 K universally in the doped samples. In addition, the background intensities increase with increasing x, except for x50.113 at 6 K, where ‘‘1/8 problem’’ occurs. This increase shows that the background response is caused by an electronic excitation because the magnetic one is forbidden in the ~c,c! spectra. The decrease of the background at x50.113 at 6 K is understood by the formation of charge density wave. The asymmetric line shapes of the apical oxygen vibration are well explained by the Fano model, which is based on the interference effect between the phonon and electronic excitations. Furthermore, the abrupt decrease of the intensity from x50 to 0.1 is also explained by the introduction of the electron-phonon interaction. The correlation between the obtained electron-phonon interaction and Tc has been found in the Sr-concentration dependence.