Actions on gamma‐motoneurones elicited by electrical stimulation of group I muscle afferent fibres in the hind limb of the cat.

The reflex actions, elicited by graded electrical stimulation of hind‐limb muscle, skin and joint nerves were studied in an extended series of experiments in extra‐and intracellular recordings from 120 lumbar gamma‐motoneurones of cats anaesthetized with chloralose. The present report deals with the action of group I muscle afferent fibres, which was examined in ninety‐five gamma‐cells. Of the gamma‐cells 83% were classified as either static or dynamic by stimulation in the mesencephalic area for dynamic control. The general responsiveness (i.e. number of input nerves with effect/number of input nerves tested) of the cells was very high (89.9%). The responsiveness to stimulation of group I muscle afferent fibres was extremely low, both in flexor and extensor gamma‐motoneurones and irrespective of whether they were static or dynamic. There was no difference, as regards the low incidence of group I muscle reflex action, between stimulation of autogenetic and heteronymous nerves. Among the rare reflex effects elicited from group I muscle fibres inhibition was four times as frequent as excitation. Inhibitory effects could be provoked from the autogenetic as well as from the heteronymous nerves. In contrast, excitatory effects were almost always autogenetic. The scarcity of group I muscle action on gamma‐motoneurones is in striking contrast to the well known and powerful reflex actions of Ia and Ib fibres on alpha‐motoneurones. These findings are discussed in relation to the concept of alpha‐gamma linkage, and it is concluded that skeletomotor and fusimotor activity cannot be rigidly linked under all conditions.

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