Non-line-of-sight tracking of people at long range

A remote-sensing system that can determine the position of hidden objects has applications in many critical real-life scenarios, such as search and rescue missions and safe autonomous driving. Previous work has shown the ability to range and image objects hidden from the direct line of sight, employing advanced optical imaging technologies aimed at small objects at short range. In this work we demonstrate a long-range tracking system based on single laser illumination and single-pixel single-photon detection. This enables us to track one or more people hidden from view at a stand-off distance of over 50 m. These results pave the way towards next generation LiDAR systems that will reconstruct not only the direct-view scene but also the main elements hidden behind walls or corners. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. OCIS codes: (150.5670) Machine vision, Range finding; (040.1345) Optoelectronics, Avalanche photodiodes (APDs). References and links 1. A. Kirmani, T. Hutchison, J. Davis, and R. Raskar, “Looking around the corner using transient imaging,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE, 2009), pp. 159–166. 2. R. Pandharkar, A. Velten, A. Bardagjy, E. Lawson, M. Bawendi, and R. Raskar, “Estimating motion and size of moving non-line-of-sight objects in cluttered environments,” in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE, 2011), pp. 265–272. 3. A. Velten, T. Willwacher, O. Gupta, A. Veeraraghavan, M. G. Bawendi, and R. Raskar, “Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging,” Nature Comms 3, 745–748 (2012). 4. O. Gupta, T. Willwacher, A. 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