Development and Initial Validation of the Quick Discrimination Index (QDI)

A series of empirical studies was conducted to develop and validate the Quick Discrimination Index (QDI), a 30-item, Likert-type self-report inventory. The QDI measures attitudes toward racial diversity (multiculturalism) and women's equality and is appropriate for late adolescents and adults. The instrument has applicability across racial/ethnic groups. Exploratory factor analyses examining both orthogonal and oblique rotations indicate that the QDI is best conceptualized as a tridimensional measure of attitudes. Three oblique factors emerged: (a) general (cognitive) attitudes about racial diversity and multiculturalism, (b) affective attitudes regarding racial diversity related to one's personal life, and (c) general attitudes regarding women's equity issues. The QDI total score and subscale scores were found to be internally consistent, to be stable over a 15-week test-retest period, and to have promising indexes of face, content, construct, and criterion-related validity. A confirmatory factor analysis examining competing factor solutions supported the three-factor oblique extraction.