Breast Fine needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology Reporting using International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System-Two Year Retrospective Study in Tertiary Care Centre in Southern India

IntrOductIOn Breast lumps are common in women of all ages. A thorough examination of breast is very important to rule out Breast cancer since it is the most common cancer in women. WHO estimates, more than half a million deaths worldwide are due to Breast cancer [1]. Recently, Breast cancer has overtaken cervical cancer in India with the incidence rate being 26 per 100,000 women population and mortality rate of 13 per 100,000 women population [2]. With the advent of triple testing for breast malignancies, FNAB has become an integral part of the evaluation of breast lesions. Triple testing includes breast clinical examination, mammography and/or ultrasonography, and cytology {FNAB/Core needle biopsy (CNB)} [3].