Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft Acoustic Test Preparations and Facility Upgrades

A hybrid wing body transport aircraft model was tested in NASA Langley's 14 by 22Foot Subsonic Tunnel to evaluate proposed "low noise" technology. The experiment was set up to evaluate the community noise impact of the hybrid wing body design, as well as study the noise components of propulsion-airframe noise and shielding. A high fidelity 5.8-percent scale model, including landing gear, cruise and drooped wing leading edges, trailing edge elevons, vertical tail options, and engine noise simulators, was built to test both aerodynamic and acoustic configurations. The aerodynamic test data were used to establish appropriate flight conditions for the acoustic test. To accomplish the acoustic portion of this test, two major upgrades were required of NASA Langley's 14 by 22 Foot Subsonic Tunnel; first, a fuel delivery system to provide realistic gas temperatures to the jet engine simulators; and second, a traversing microphone array and side towers to measure full spectral and directivity noise characteristics. The results of this test provide benchmark hybrid wing body aircraft and noise shielding data to assist in achieving NASA's 2020 noise emission goals.

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