A case of intracystic and non-invasive carcinoma of the male breast accompanied by intracystic papilloma is reported. Carcinoma of the male breast is a relatively rare disease and the proportion of males among all patients with mammary cancer is close to one percent. Marked clinical features of male breast cancer are (1) that the duration of symptoms is very long, and therefore many patients who complain are in an advanced stage at the time of diagnosis, and (2) that most of the tumors are located beneath the nipple or areola. In the male mammary glands, papillomas and cysts, as seen in the female, are infrequent, while carcinoma and gynecomastia are frequent. This case was an non-invasive carcinoma of the male breast which was located at a distance from the areola and formed a cyst with papilloma. Histologically, the carcinoma was accompanied by an intracystic papilloma and ductal epithelization beneath the nipple, that is of great interest from the standpoint of the genesis of carcinoma.
M. Noguchi,et al.
Intracystic carcinoma of the breast in an elderly man
The Japanese journal of surgery.
G. Kerr,et al.
Carcinoma of the male breast: report of a series of 88 cases.
Clinical radiology.
J. Visfeldt,et al.
Male breast cancer. I. Histologic typing and grading of 187 Danish cases
E. Kaplan,et al.
Male Mammary Cancer: An Analysis of 32 Cases
Annals of surgery.
H. Taylor,et al.
Carcinoma of the male breast