In [1] Quine has presented a method for finding the simplest disjunctive normal forms of truth functions. Like the tabular methods of [2] and [3], Quine's method requires expansion of a formula into developed normal form as a preliminary step. This aspect of his method to a certain extent defeats one of the purposes of a mechanical method, which is to secure simplest forms in complicated cases (perhaps by using a digital computer) [4]. In the present paper we develop a method for both disjunctive and conjunctive normal truth functions which is in some respects similar to Quine's but which does not involve prior expansion of a formula into developed normal form. Familiarity with [1] is presupposed. We use the notations and conventions of [1] with the following exceptions and additions. ‘Φ’ names any formula, ‘Ψ’ any conjunction of literals, and ‘χ’ any disjunction of literals. Any disjunction of conjunctions of literals is a disjunctive normal formula and is designated by ‘ψ’; any conjunction of disjunctions of literals is a conjunctive normal formula and is designated by ‘X’. Note that we do not make use of Quine's notion of fundamental formulas. A formula Ψ occurring in a disjunctive normal formula ψ, provided it is a disjunct of ψ, is a clause ; similarly for χ. We use ‘≠” for logical equivalence of formulas and ‘=’ for identity of formulas to within the order of literals in clauses and the order of clauses in normal formulas.
E. W. Veitch,et al.
A chart method for simplifying truth functions
ACM '52.
D. B. Houghton.
Synthesis of electronic computing and control circuits: Vol. 27 of The Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, 278 pages, diagrams, 20 × 27 cm. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951. Price, $8.00
Willard Van Orman Quine,et al.
Methods of Logic
W. H. Burkhart,et al.
Theorem minimization
ACM '52.
Willard Van Orman Quine,et al.
The Problem of Simplifying Truth Functions