Wood age and leaf area influence fruit size and mineral composition of apple fruit

SummaryThe influence of wood age, fruiting position and leaf area within the tree canopy on fruit mineral content and quality for several apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars was investigated. Size and Ca, Mg and K content of individual fruit on one-year (lateral and terminal positions), two-year and older than three-year wood were compared for cvs Royal Gala, Braeburn, Granny Smith and Fuji. Fruit on two-year spurs and one-year terminals was generally larger at commercial harvest than that on one-year laterals and spurs older than three years. Flower receptacles at full bloom were larger and fruit growth rates were greater from 60 to 100 d after full bloom on two-year spurs than on one-year laterals. Fruit Ca and Mg concentrations and contents at commercial harvest were highest for terminal fruit, but there was no consistent difference between fruit from other positions. One-year terminals had the greatest primary and bourse leaf areas, two-year spurs were intermediate and one-year laterals had the l...