To solve the problem of construction for stream cipher key generator and the problem of SSC/SSSC stream ciphers need to relay on the secret channel to transmit the key, it presents a new clock function drive by a clock-control sequence and chaotic cascade function made of multiple Logistic function , which are used to built the self-reference model and chaotic module; it design a adapt controller independent of the key generator and encrypt module, achieve controlling encryption and transmission process by multi-threaded code;it makes a key generator with transformation ranks and wheel key method of AES and S-box of Camellia, which makes the sub-key and the key generator`s internal station become a insufficient condition that does not need to depend on the secret channel, the model achieves a exponential growth in the key space and the same application scope of traditional SSC and SSSC model. The new protocol model features can be seen under the actual operation of modifying RC4 algorithm.
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ISO/IEC 10181-4:1995 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Security frameworks for open systems: Non-repudiation framework
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Communication theory of secrecy systems
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A Mathematical Theory of Communication
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Secure property of chaotic encryption system based on chaotic synchronization