Multi-modal learning for affective content analysis in movies

Affective content analysis is an important research topic in video content analysis, and has extensive applications in many fields. However, it is a challenging task to design a computational model for predicting emotions induced by videos, since the elicited emotions can be considered relatively subjective. Intuitively, several features of different modalities can depict the elicited emotions, but the correlation and influence of these features are still not well studied. To address this issue, we propose a multi-modal learning framework, which classifies affective contents in the valence-arousal space. In particular, we utilize the features extracted by the methods of motion keypoint trajectory and convolutional neural networks to depict the visual modality of elicited emotions, and extract a global audio feature by the openSMILE toolkit to describe the audio modality. Then, the linear support vector machine and support vector regression are employed to learn the affective models. By comparing these three features with five baseline features, we discover that the three features are significant for describing affective content. Experimental results also demonstrate that the three features complement each other. Moreover, the proposed framework obtains the state-of-the-art results on two challenging datasets of video affective content analysis.

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