가로변 모퉁이 대지 건축물의 입면구성방식의 특성에 관한 연구

The purpose of this study was to analyze the Exterior Design Composition of Building on City blocks Corners in Gwangju. When two streets meet vertically, the facades of the adjoining buildings form an important component of the street. Because buildings attributing a street provide more than the basic functions for both pedestrians and inner users, the architectural design of this space requires additional factors in the design of the buildings facade. The exterior elements of the buildings are grouped into various types according to thier mutual relationship. For this process a window is used to classify the pattern of facades. These patterns can be classified into six main typologies. The first five are that of grid, vertical orientation, horizontal orientation, curtain wall and a confused type, which combines one or more elements of the first four. The sixth typology is an allowance for forms of variation, which at this point are unknown. Such shapes of the buildings on corner site recognizes variously according to the context of a street and pedestrian's perception. So, We need to consider them when we plan a building. Because The architectural feature of corner influence street.