Mass‐weighted molecular dynamics simulation of cyclic polypeptides

A modified molecular dynamics (MD) method in which atomic masses are weighted was developed previously for studying the conformational flexibility of neuroregulating tetra‐peptide Phe‐Met‐Arg‐Phe‐amide (FMRF‐amide). The method has now been applied to longer and constrained molecules, namely a disulfide‐linked cyclic hexapeptide, c [CYFQNC], and its linear and [pseudo‐cyclic] analogues. The sampling of dihedral conformational space of the linear hexapeptide in mass‐weighted MD simulations was found to be improved significantly over conventional MD simulations, as in the case of the shorter FMRF‐amide molecule studied previously. In the cyclic hexapeptide, the internal constraint of the molecule due to the intramolecular disulfide bond (hence the absence of free terminals in the molecule) does not adversely affect the significant improvement of conformational sampling in mass‐weighted MD simulations over normal MD simulations. The pseudo‐cyclic polypeptide is identical to the linear CYFQNC molecule in amino acid sequence (i.e., side chains of the cysteine residues are reduced), but the positions of its two terminal heavy atoms were held fixed in space such that the molecule has a nearly cyclic conformation. For this molecule, the mass‐weighted MD simulation generated a wide range of polypeptide backbone conformations covering the internal dihedral degrees of freedom; moreover, the physical space of the pseudo‐cyclic structure was also sampled in a complete revolution of the entire molecular fragment about the two fixed termini during the simulation. These characteristics suggest that mass‐weighted MD can also be an extremely useful method for conformational analyses of constrained molecules and, in particular, for modeling loops on protein surfaces.