Multibeam Coverage With A Parabolic Offset Antenna In Ka Band For Multimedia Service Broadcasting
This paper will be devoted to a study which consists in the design of a multibeam offset parabolic antenna embedded in the payload of a geostationary satellite in Ka-band; this antenna is responsible to ensure the communication between the satellite and multitude of receptor which are everywhere in a large area on earth and this for the broadcast of a multimedia service. First, we will start with a brief study of multibeam coverage and its characteristics, after we will study the parabolic antenna because it's this type of antenna which interests us in our application and also in order to choose the most appropriate model. In our case of study the parabolic antenna mounted in offset is the most appropriate. Finally, we will use specific software to simulate the antenna in order to arrive to determinate the different parameters of the antenna which can give us the best performances for ensure a coverage with high gain of all the area and ensure the reception of the service by all users.