Small-angle approximations of the radiative transfer theory

A relationship between two well known, small-angle approximations of the radiative transfer theory was found. The first approximation was initially obtained using the Fourier transform technique to solve the small-angle radiative transfer equation. The expansion of the transmitted intensity by Legendre functions was used to obtain the second small-angle approximation. These approximations represent solutions of the small-angle radiative transfer equation in two coordinate systems (spherical and cylindrical) and should coincide at small scattering angles, where the difference between the two coordinate systems disappears. This was shown in this paper analytically using the asymptotical relation for Legendre functions at small angles and the Euler sum formula. An analytical formula for the value of the coefficients of the expansion of the phase function of large particles by Legendre functions at was found. The relationship between different optical sizing techniques under multiple-light-scattering conditions was discussed.