Nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals
This review is devoted to the description of recent experimental results concerning the nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor-doped glasses SDGs with particular emphasis on the regime in which the energy of the incident photon is smaller than the energy gap. A considerable theoretical and experimental effort has been devoted in the last 10years to the fundamental aspects of quantumconfined structures, which have properties somewhat intermediate between the bulk crystals and atoms or molecules. From this point of view, SDGs represent an easily available test system, and optical techniques have been a major diagnostic tool. Luminescence and absorption spectroscopy were extensively used to characterize the electronic states. The experiments aimed at the measurement of the real and imaginary parts of the third-order optical susceptibility of SDGs below the bandgap are described in some detail, and the results obtained with different techniques are compared. Besides the intrinsic fast nonlinearity due ...