Study of Electron Capture in the N 5+ -He, H 2 Collisions by UV Spectroscopy

The physics of multicharged ions has considerably developped during the last few years. Aside from its fundamental interest and its motivation for fusion research with Tokamak devices where charge exchange involving highly charged impurities are important, this new effort in this direction is due to the development of new sources of highly charged ions. We report results concerning spectroscopic study of radiative transitions observed during the collision between multicharged N 5+ ions with a helium or molecular hydrogen target. N x+ ions are produced with the E.C.R. ion source in Grenoble (Geller and Jacquot 1981). The N 5+ ions are then selected with two 168° bending magnets and finally sent into the target chamber where they collide either with He or H 2 gas. Spectra are observed with a grazing incidence (82°) spectrometer equipped with photon detection.