Combining the Best of Two Chelating Titans: A Hydroxypyridinone-Decorated Macrocyclic Ligand for Efficient and Concomitant Complexation and Sensitized Luminescence of f-Elements.

An ideal chelator for f-elements features rapid kinetics of complexation, high thermodynamic stability, and slow kinetics of dissociation. Here we present the facile synthesis of a macrocyclic ligand bearing four 1-hydroxy-2-pyridinone units linked to a cyclen scaffold that rapidly forms thermodynamically stable complexes with lanthanides (Sm3+ , Eu3+ , Tb3+ , Dy3+ ) and a representative late actinide (Cm3+ ) in aqueous media and concurrently sensitizes them. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy revealed an increase in the Ln/An-O bond lengths following the trend Cm>Eu>Tb and EXAFS data were compatible with time-resolved luminescence studies, which indicated one to two water molecules in the inner metal coordination sphere of Eu(III) and two water molecules for the Cm(III) complex. Spectrofluorimetric ligand competition titrations against DTPA confirmed the high thermodynamic stability of DOTHOPO complexes, with pM values between 19.9(1) and 21.9(2).