Enhancing urban environment by environmental upgrading and restoration

TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgement List of Participants CHAPTER 1 UPGRADING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES Retrofitting Urban Drainage Systems Using Best Stormwater Management Practices - Some Scandinavian Experiences 1 P.S. Mikkelsen Reduction of Runoff by Modified Trough-Infiltration Trench System: a Case Study of Leszno Town 13 M. Sowinski The Kingston Pond: a Case Study of Stormwater Pond Upgrading 23 W.E. Watt, J. Marsalek and B.C. Anderson Control of Urban Runoff Stormwater Discharge to receiving Waters Using Off-line Storage 33 L. Bornatici, C. Ciaponi and S. Papiri Urban Tree Root Systems and Tree Survival Near Sewers and Other Structures 45 P. Prax and J. Cermak City of Toronto Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan... 57 M. D'Andrea, W. Snodgrass and P. Chessie CHAPTER 2 RETROFITTING/UPGRADING COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW (CSO) FACILITIES New Regulations for the Treatment of Combined Sewage in Austria - Based on Minimum Requirements and Water Quality Criteria 79 R. Fenz and H. Kroiss Implementation Experience of CSO Pollution Control Policies and Procedures in the UK 93 R. Crabtree Increasing Knowledge of CSO Technologies 105 A.J. Saul Upgrading the North Toronto CSO Storage and Treatment Facility ... 111 J. Marsalek, C. He, Q. Rochfort, K. Exall, J. Wood, B.G.Krishnappan, P. Seto and P.Chessie Improving Combined Sewer Overflow and Treatment Plant Performance by Real-TimeControl Operation 123 A. P. Campisano, E. Creaco and C. Modica Combined Sewer Overflows into the Crati River (Cosenza, Italy) and Retention Storage Sizing 139 F. Calomino, P. Piro and G. Palma Modernisation Problems of the Sewerage Infrastructure in a Large Polish City 151 M. Zawilski CHAPTER 3 OPTIMISING/UPGRADING SEWAGE TREATEMENT PLANT PERFORMANCE Extension of the Vienna Main Sewage Treatment Plant 163 H. Kroiss Improving Sewage Treatment Plant Performance in Wet Weather 175 A. G. Capodaglio Upgrading Sewage Treatment Plants for Higher Performance by Optimising Reject Water Treatment 187 P. Jenicek Upgrading Wastewater Treatment Performance 195 P. Hlavinek Bulgarian Policy and Actions for Municipal WWTPs Construction and Upgrading 203 R. V. Arsov and N. Teneva Improving STP Performance by Lime Addition 215 D. Marani, R. Ramadori, V. Renzi, C.M. Bragulia and A.C. DiPinto CHAPTER 4 STREAM RESTORATION Restoring Natural Waterways in Denver, USA Area 227 B. R. Urbonas, B. Kohlenberg, C. Thrush and M. Hunter Urban Stream Restoration Structures 239 S. Pagliara and P. Chiavaccini Restoration of Urban River Habitat in Compliance with EU Directives 253 D. Kominkova and J. Pollert Urban Streams - Urban Master Planning and Heavily Modified Water Bodies Designation Required by WFD 265 E. Zeman, K. Pryl, D. Hrabak, T. Metelka, M. Mata and P. Nesvadbova The Zurich Stream Day-Lighting Program... 277 F. Conradin and R. Buchli Advances in Modelling the Experimental data on Pollutant Dynamics in