Untersuchung und Bilanzierung des CO2-Emissions-Trade-Offs für direkteinspritzende Otto und Dieselmotoren für Pkw und Nfz

In the presented research project, funded by Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. (FVV, Frankfurt/ Main), the correlation between emissions reduction and CO 2 discharge has been examined. On the one hand side the changeover from Euro III to Euro IV and on the other hand side the changeover to an additional future emission limit scenario have been considered. Scope of examination were engine/vehicle concepts each for an Otto and a Diesel car as well as for a Diesel commercial vehicle. With the integrated method of Life Cycle Engineering the idea of life cycle has been accommodated by not only considering the impact on fuel consumption and emissions during the utilisation phase but also by including the CO 2 discharge and other limited emissions that appear during fuel production and the production of the components of engine and exhaust treatment.