노인보행 실증분석을 통한 공공시설 이용실태 및 계획기준 점검

As we predicted a super-aged society is coming soon, the needs for the elderly-friendly environments and the welfare budget were increasing highly. This study aimed to find out the Elderly's activity patterns in the city and public facilities planning standards. So, we chose the subjects of this study were GPS big data based on the walking application `WalkOn`. We can investigating big data of Elderly who have lived in Seoul through `WalkOn`. It contains route data based on GPS, and the social characteristic on the users. It has three steps for finding the purpose of this study. First, we found out the Elderly's walking pattern. Second, we found out the public facility use characteristics. Finally, we examined the planning standards of the public facilities. This research will help to prepare for the super-aged society.