The Variation of the Different Seeds Traits on F3 Hybrid Combinations of Calendula

In order to assess the variation of several traits of Calendula seeds, fourteen hybrid families(intra- and interspecific; F3 generation) were studied. The seeds length, width and seeds thickness werethe main quantitative seeds characteristics assessed, on top of the plant emergence as well. The F3hybrid C. arvensis ‘121GE’ A— C. arvensis ‘121GE’ had the biggest seed length, while the hybridfamily ‘Prycosnovjenie’ A— ‘Bon-Bon Orange’ was noted for large values regarding seeds width, andseeds thickness. Even if the seed polymorphism is a common phenomenon, in the present study theseeds length, width and thickness were noted with a less extended variation. For plant emergence, thehighest percentage (93.30%) was obtained in the frame of two hybrid combinations: ‘Prycosnovjenie’A— ‘Bon Bon Mix’ and Pacific Beauty’ A— ‘Bon-Bon Orange’. The information regarding themorphological traits of seeds in hybrid progeny may be useful for compared with the parents andestimate the inheritance of seeds traits at Calendula.