Protocols and Guidelines for Health Promoting Schools

Schools make a substantial contribution to a student's health and well-being. It is much more than health classes in the curriculum. The way the school is organised and conducted has an impact. So too, do the various out of class activities that schools undertake. There are many factors that contribute to how a school can enhance the health and well being of its students. A considerable body of evidence has emerged in the last twenty years to inform governments, schools, Non Government Organisations (NGO's), teachers, parents and students about effective school health programmes. School programmes that are integrated, holistic and strategic appear to produce better health and education outcomes than those which are mainly information based and implemented only in the classroom. The Health Promoting School (HPS) is an internationally accepted approach to addressing school health. In some parts of the world it is called Co-ordinated School Health. The HPS approach is strategic and involves all those key components which impact on a student's health and well being. If HPS are planned and implemented wisely and thoroughly, then students will gain considerable benefits whilst at school, and more importantly in their future adult lives. The following Protocols and Guidelines for Health Promoting Schools have been produced by analysing research and evaluation evidence. Also examined were those quality practices and initiatives of international organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and others. Those factors which contribute significantly to the design, implementation, and evaluation and monitoring of HPS, have been summarised. These evidence based Protocols and Guidelines are presented in the following format to assist governments, schools, NGO's, and other interested groups and individuals to be more effective and strategic in their efforts to enhance school health programmes.