Subsonic Wind Tunnel Investigation of the High Lift Capability of a Circulation Control Wing on a 1/5-Scale T-2C Aircraft Model

Abstract : A circulation control wing, formed by the deflection of a 15% chord flap through 180 degrees to produce a circular cylinder trailing edge with tangential upper surface blowing, was applied to a 1/5-scale T-2C aircraft model. The flap span/wing span ratio was 0.495, consistent with the conventional aircraft. Subsonic investigations were conducted in the Naval Ship Research and Development Center (NSRDC) 8- by 10-foot North Wind Tunnel over a dynamic pressure range of 5 to 41 psf (Reynolds number based on mean aerodynamic chord of 0.60 to 1.68 million). Flap deflection was varied from 0 to 180 degrees, thus comparing the configurations of blown flap (moderate-to-high lift and lower drag for take-off) and the circular Coanda trailing edge (high lift and high drag for landing).