A Study on Crash Analysis and Test Method for Early Stage Development of Knee Bolster for Cockpit Module
The knee bolster of cockpit module is a crucial factor determining the occupant's knee injury in the frontal crash of a vehicle. The development of knee bolster needs numerical simulation in the design stage of cockpit module but it is very difficult to meet all its performances to comply with FMVSS 208 regulation within a given vehicle development schedule. So, the evaluation of knee bolster is required to be put in an early stage to achieve its performance objective and to satisfy the whole development schedule of vehicle. In this study, the simplification of analysis model for cockpit module and crash pulse condition were investigated and validated by tests and simulation as a way to perform the analysis in much earlier design stage. It is concluded that with this simplified approach, initial design of knee bolsters of cockpit module can be achieved and also it can shorten the total development period as well.
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