The distance trisector curve

Given points P and Q in the plane, we are interested in separating them by two curves C<sub>1</sub> and C<sub>2</sub> such that every point of C<sub>1</sub> has equal distance to P and to C<sub>2</sub>, and every point of C<sub>2</sub> has equal distance to C<sub>1</sub> and to Q. We show by elementary geometric means that such C<sub>1</sub> and C<sub>2</sub> exist and are unique. Moreover, for P = (0,1) and Q = (0,-1), C<sub>1</sub> is the graph of a function ƒ: R → R, C<sub>2</sub> is the graph of -f, and f is convex and analytic (i.e., given by a convergent power series at a neighborhood of every point). We conjecture that f is not expressible by elementary functions and, in particular, not algebraic. We provide an algorithm that, given x ∈ R and ε > 0, computes an approximation to f(x) with error at most ε in time polynomial in log 1+|x|/ε.The separation of two points by two "trisector" curves considered here is a special (two-point) case of a new kind of Voronoi diagram, which we call the <i>Voronoi diagram with neutral zone</i> and which we investigate in a companion paper.