Globalization of healthcare.

Healthcare worldwide is undergoing a dramatic change consistent with the changes that globalization has brought in many major industries. While medical care has a long tradition of international cooperation and sharing of expertise, this current phenomenon is very different because of the unique combination of demand from international hospitals paired with a new ability and willingness of U.S. hospitals to become engaged in international endeavors. Educated and Internet-savvy consumers, a growing middle class in emerging markets, highly trained physicians, and struggling public health systems that are unable to meet the needs and expectations of patients are some of the forces behind the demand for globalization in healthcare. This significant demand is being met by the capacity of major U.S. medical centers to transfer comprehensive management expertise and intellectual property to international sites. Consequently, the mobilization of health services globally is concurrent with the expectation that healthcare services will be validated through standardization of quality and safety measurement systems. This universal movement to define "quality outcomes" will provide the platform that finally pushes the true globalization of healthcare.