연료전지 자동차에서 여분의 수소 연료를 이용한 촉매버너의 모델 실험
Today, human beings are faced with crisis of environmental pollution and fuel exhaustion because energy consumption has increased rapidly as a rise in population. Therefore human beings arc in need of hydrogen energy as a substitute energy. Hydrogen has the advantages of cleanness and boundlessness, but it has difficulties of storage and safety.
Making a flameless hydrogen burner for fuel cell vehicle in consideration of hydrogen's peculiarity was tried. This hydrogen burner used the heat of reaction that was emitted when water was formed by reaction of hydrogen and oxygen.
It was tried to impregnate Pt catalyst in ceramic fiber(substrate) for the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to be reacted more easily. This experiment was inquired that hydrogen is appropriate for being used as burner fuel in home and found out whether its safe usefulness is possible or not.