An interval type-2 fuzzy logic system to translate between emotion-related vocabularies

Abstract This paper describes a novel experiment that demonstratesthe feasiblity of a fuzzy logic (FL) representation of emotion-related words used to translate between different emotional vo-cabularies. Type-2 fuzzy sets were encoded using input fromweb-based surveys that prompted users with emotional wordsand asked them to enter an interval using a double slider. Thesimilarity of the encoded fuzzy sets was computed and it wasshown that a reliable mapping can be made between a largevocabulary of emotional words and a smaller vocabulary ofwords naming seven emotion categories. Though the map-ping results are comparable to Euclidian distance in the va-lence/activation/dominance space, the FL representation hasseveral benefits that are discussed.Index Terms: emotion, fuzzy logic, knowledge engineering. 1. Introduction As a matter of practice, many emotion studies begin with anenumeration of emotion categories that will be the object of in-quiry. For example, some common sets of emotions used in-clude: { negative, non-negative }, { angry, happy, sad, neu-tral }, and { angry, disgusted, fearful, happy, neutral, sad, sur-prised}. While enumeration of categories may work in somedomains, in many other cases imposing a categorization cancause over-simplification and lead to lack of interoperabilitywith other systems of categorization. Categorizing emotionclasses is especially exemplary of this problem due to the sub-jectivenatureofemotions. Also,thisproblemmanifestsitselfinmany practical issues of emotion research. It is difficult to gen-eralize the results of experiments that use different emotionalcategories. Forced choice in human labeling tasks may bias re-sults according to the categories presented. If an ”other” choiceis provided, it is not clear what to do with open-ended user in-put. It may be possible to have a precisely defined set of emo-tions in certain cases, such as extreme emotions associated withevolutionary behavior like fight-or-flight responses, but consid-ering human language as the focal point in this argument, thesubtlety of all emotions expressed by any person in any contextwarrants a more complete solution.One popular way to circumvent the problems of a fixedset of emotions is the dimensional approach, which representsemotions in terms of coordinates in an emotional space. Thetwo most common dimensions used are valence, representingan axis of pleasure/displeasure of the emotion, and activation,representinganaxisoftheenergyorstrengthoftheemotion[1].Sometimes a third dimension is also used. In this study we usedominance as a third dimension, which represents the scale be-tween aggressive and submissive. Another third dimension intheliteratureiscontrol, whichisascaleofhowmuchconsciouscontrol a person has over a given emotion. Representing emo-tions in a dimensional space is an important insight which isused in this paper’s research.Common ways of using the dimensional approach fallshort. Usually, an emotion’s location in such a dimensionalspaceisestimatedusingLikertscalesorsliders. Inbothofthesecases,usersmustpickasinglepointonagivenscale. Anyintra-user uncertainty is lost, though inter-subject uncertainty may beestimated from the ratings accumulated across users. Intra-useruncertainty may be estimated from repeated presentation of agiven stimulus, but this can be infeasible when broad coverageis needed.The approaches used in this paper, Interval Type-2 FuzzyLogicandtheComputingWithWordsparadigm,provideasolu-tion to the problems raised above. The methodology we presentuses double sliders to collect dimensional emotion ratings fromsubjects, as described in [2]. The span of the two sliders ona scale represents the region that the user wishes to select andis used to encode the user’s lexical knowledge into an intervaltype-2 fuzzy set. A similarity metric for interval type-2 fuzzysets [3] is used to map from one vocabulary to another, makingit possible to compare different sets of emotion categorizationsand deal with a wider range of user input, for example in thecase when users choose “other” on a forced choice task andthen provide open-ended input.The motivation for undertaking this work comes from try-ing to deal with an open-ended set of emotionally descriptivewords used as labels of the blog posts of the website On this site, users can label their blog posts with a”mood” label. This makes the corpus a natural choice to studyemotions in the blogs. However, users may enter any word, sothere is a lot of noise in the labels and the set of labels has a“longtailed”Zipfdistribution. Insteadofdiscardingallthedataexceptthoselabeledwithafewbasicemotionaltags,wewantedto map a larger vocabulary, the words used in the blog labels,toasmaller, controlledvocabulary. Also, thesurvey, whichcol-lecteddatafrominternetusers,couldbeseenasawaytoextendthe idea of social computing from the blogs and mood tags to amore uniform semantic representation.Besides analyzing the blog data, some possible applica-tions of this research include: corpus annotation; informa-tion retrieval; translation and paraphrasing; social computing;emotion-aware applications where a small, fixed set of emo-tion labels is not practical; and fusion of different classifierswhere each classifier might use a different set of classes, as inthe case of multimodal analysis, where each modality is goodat recognizing a certain subset of emotions. In spoken languageprocessing, the speech itself can be thought of having differentmodalities, such as the acoustics and the symbolic string repre-sented as text. Also, the fact that fuzzy logic is an extension ofclassical logic allows it to provide for semantic representations

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