An AFM-Based Nanomanipulation Model Describing the Atomic Two Dimensional Stick-Slip Behavior

A new AFM-based nanomanipulation model describing the relevant physics and dynamics at the nanoscale is presented. The nanomanipulation scheme consists of integrated subsystems that are identified in a modular approach. The model subsystems define the AFM cantilever-sample dynamics, the AFM tip-sample interactions, the contact mechanics and the friction between the sample and the substrate. The coupling between these different subsystems is emphasized. The main contribution of the proposed nanomanipulation model is the use of a new 2D dynamic friction model based on a generalized bristle interpretation of one asperity contact. The efficacy of the proposed model to reproduce experimental data is demonstrated via numerical simulations. In fact, the model is shown to describe the 2D stick-slip behavior with the substrate lattice periodicity. The proposed nanomanipulation model facilitates the improvement and extension of each subsystem to further take into account the complex interactions at the nanoscale.Copyright © 2007 by ASME