Electrical and Magnetic Methods of Nondestructive Testing

INTRODUCTION General considerations Methods of nondestructive testing Electrical and magnetic methods The choice of the method of testing Automation in nondestructive testing Conclusion Further reading FUNDAMENTAL THEORY General considerations Electrical conductivity and resistivity Dielectric materials Electromagnetism Alternating currents Circuit networks Ferromagnetic materials Electromagnetic radiation MAGNETIC METHODS Introduction Flux-leakage methods Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) Magnetic tape inspection (magnetography) Quantitative flux-leakage detectors Quantitative flux-leakage applications Magnetization and hysteresis methods Miscellaneous magnetic techniques EDDY CURRENTS: PRINCIPLES Introduction Coils encircling defect-free metal cylindrical rods Coils encircling cylindrical defect-free tubes Internal coaxial coils in cylindrical defect-free metal tubes Coils scanning the surfaces of defect-free conductors Defect modeling EDDY CURRENT METHODS General considerations Fundamental measurements Probe design Requirements for eddy current measurements Basic eddy current tests-measurements Basic eddy current defect detection and sizing More advanced eddy testing current methods MICROWAVE METHODS OF TESTING Introduction Microwave radiation Microwave instrumentation Microwave measurements MISCELLANEOUS METHODS General considerations Potential drop methods Resistance strain gauges Electrified particle testing Other methods APPENDIX