Elderly is someone whose age is around 60-74 years, at that age, one's health tends to decrease, and it has an impact on reduced perception, cognition, and psychometry. One result of cognitive decline is a decrease in memory. Programs have been provided by the Indonesian government, such as submitting information, producing brochures, and making announcements on the health services website. But this counseling is not optimal because the elderly tend to be lazy to read this because the eyes have begun to look away from other than that the eye health of the elderly has already started to decrease. So that the health information provided by the health department can be optimized, we try to make a model that is used to summarize an article so that the article is easily understood by the elderly. To summarize the article, this study uses the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) algorithm. TF-IDF It is an algorithm used to summarize sentences so that it is easier to understand and understand. By using the TF-IDF algorithm, it is hoped that the elderly will more easily read health articles. User Experience Questionnaire after the application of writing software summary is higher than before the application of writing software summary that is 25.27> 19.30. Keywords—Elderly, Information, Summary, TF-IDF Abstrak— Lansia adalah seseorang yang usianya berkisar 60-74 tahun, pada usia itu kesehatan seseorang cenderung menurun berdampak pada penurunan persepsi, kognitf dan psikometri. Salah satu akibat penurunan kognitif adalah penurunan memori. Program telah disediakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia, seperti memberikan informasi, memberikan brosur, dan memberikan pengumuman di situs web layanan kesehatan. Tetapi konseling ini tidak optimal karena para lansia, cenderung malas membaca ini karena mata sudah mulai berpandangan jauh selain itu kesehatan mata lansia sudah mulai berkurang. Agar informasi kesehatan yang diberikan oleh dinas kesehatan dapat optimal kami mencoba membuat model yang digunakan untuk meringkas sebuah artikel sehingga artikel tersebut mudah dipahami oleh para lansia. Untuk meringkas artikel, penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). TF-IDF Merupakan algoritma yang digunakan urntuk meringkas kalimat sehingga lebih mudah dipahami dan dimengerti Dengan menggunakan algoritma TFIDF diharapkan lansia akan lebih mudah mudah membaca artikel kesehatan. User Experience Quetionaire sesudah penerapan software summary tulisan lebih besar daripada sebelum penerapan software summary tulisan yaitu 25.27 > 19.30. Kata Kunci—Lansia, Informasi, Ringkasan, TF-IDF INTENSIF, Vol.4 No.1 February 2020 ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v4i1.13858 124 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
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