AbstractThe importance of water use in thermoelectric power plants is increasing across the nation. For example, power plants in New York and California are forced to deal with cooling systems that pose threats to ecosystems and water availability. The purpose of this paper is to summarize, compare, and contrast previous studies in this subject area using journal articles and government/laboratory reports. This literature review presents a myriad of results obtained from previously conducted research pertaining to (1) power generation in the United States, (2) water use in power plants, (3) power plant cooling technologies, (4) comparisons of cooling technologies (including cost), (5) impact of drought on power generation, and (6) projections of power generation and water use. Among the findings of this study is that whereas water usage data for once-through and wet-recirculating cooling systems are well developed, dry and hybrid cooling system data are not as complete. This review, therefore, serves as a...
J. A. Veil,et al.
Impact of drought on U.S. steam electric power plant cooling water intakes and related water resource management issues.
R. Judkoff,et al.
Consumptive Water Use for U.S. Power Production: Preprint
James Murphy,et al.
ADDRESSING THE CRITICAL LINK BETWEEN FOSSIL ENERGY AND WATER The Department of Energy/Office of Fossil Energy's Water-Related Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs
Report To Congress,et al.
Nancy L. Barber,et al.
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005
Xiaoying Yang,et al.
Water Use by Thermoelectric Power Plants in the United States 1
D. Elcock.
Future U.S. water consumption : The role of energy production.