The robot builder's bonanza

Robot Basics. The Robot Experimenter. Anatomy of a Robot. Tools and Supplies. Buying Parts. Common Electronic Components. Electronic Construction Techniques. Programming Cocepts: The Fundamentals. Robot Construction. Building a Plastic Robot Platform. Building a Basic Wooden Platform. Building a Metal Platform. Constructing High Tech Robots from Toys. Build Custom Fouctionaoids with LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System. Programming the LEGO Mindstorms RCX: Advanced Methods. Power, Motors, and Locomotion. All About Batteries and Robot Power Supplies. Robot Locomotion Principles. Choosing the Right Motor for the Job. Working with DC Motors. Working with Stepper Motors. Working with Servo Motors. Practical Robotics Projects. Build a Roverbot. Build a Heavy-Duty Six-Legged Walking Robot. Advanced Locomotion Systems. An Overview of Arm Systems. Build a Revolute Cordinate Arm. Build a Polar Coordinate Arm. Experimenting with Gripper Designs. Computer and Electronic Control. An Overview of Tobot "Brains". Interfacing with Computers and Microcontrollers. Computer Control Via PC Printer Port. Using the Basic Stamp. Using the BasicX Microcontroller. Using the OOPic Microcontroller. Remote Control Systems. Sensors and Navigation. Adding the Sense of Touch. Collision Avoidance and Detection. Robotic Eyes. Navigating Through Space. Fire Detection Systems. sound Output and Input. Experimenting with Tilt and Gravity Sensors. Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits for the Robot Expermimentor. Appendices.