Sustainability assessment of integrated forest biorefinery implemented in Canadian pulp and paper mills

Abstract To overcome declining markets and low-cost competition, the integrated forest biorefinery (IFBR) business model has received a lot of attention from the pulp and paper (P&P) sector. This article deals with sustainability assessment of IFBR implemented in P&P mills for bioenergy production. The objective is to develop a mathematically-based approach, for decision makers within the forest sector, that aims to optimize the sustainability of the IFBR value creation network. A multi-objective optimization model, applied to a Canadian case study and integrating environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), is developed. The life cycle inventory is performed for the whole system. The objective functions consist in minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing the financial value of the IFBR over a long-term planning horizon, while optimizing the existing P&P activity. Different economic and environmental indicators are introduced to compare Pareto optimal investment roadmaps. The proposed model leads to a decision support tool for the transformation of P&P companies by planning sustainable bioenergy investment implementation. Furthermore, this model may assist decision makers in emissions planning and reporting according to related regulations requirements. The obtained results show that the IFBR allows the P&P industry to diversify its portfolio and generate new revenues, while contributing substantially to emission reduction efforts in Canada and producing clean and renewable energy. However, government support will be needed to perform a successful business plan.

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