Using the Hybrid FE-SEA Method to Predict Structure-borne Noise Transmission in aTrimmed Automotive Vehicle

A Hybrid method that rigorously couples Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been used to predict interior noise levels in a trimmed vehicle due to broadband structure-borne excitation from 200Hz to 1000Hz. This paper illustrates how the Hybrid FE-SEA technique was applied to successfully predict the car response by partitioning the body-in-white into stiff components described with FE and modally dense components described with SEA. Additionally, it is demonstrated how detailed local FE models can be used to improve SEA descriptions of car panels and couplings. The vibration response of the bare car floor and dash is validated against experiments. Next, the radiation efficiency and vibration response of bare and trimmed vehicle panels are compared against reference numerical results. Finally, interior noise levels in bare and trimmed configurations are predicted and results from a noise path contribution analysis are presented.