SISCOGA – Results of Spanish FOT on Cooperative Systems

Communication cooperative systems appear as one of the technologies with the highest potential to improve road traffic safety and mobility in the near future. In order to test and assess in real traffic the possibilities of C2X systems, CTAG and DGT (Direccion General de Trafico) have prepared an intelligent corridor of more than 60 km in the north west of Spain. It is equipped with state of the art cooperative and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) infrastructure and is now carrying out a naturalistic Field Operational Test, SISCOGA – SIStemas COoperativos GAlicia, evaluating the benefits of some safety and mobility cooperative applications. This paper introduces first SISCOGA objectives and a general project overview. Then it presents the characteristics of the corridor including the road cooperative equipment, the Traffic Management Centre and the FOT Management Centre. Later the cooperative in-vehicle technical solution is introduced. Afterwards, the cooperative safety and efficiency applications are described in detail. The application of FESTA methodology to SISCOGA is also commented. Then, FOT results obtained so far are presented. Finally, the paper describes the next steps of the project, its continuation in the framework of DRIVE-C2X and the extension of the corridor to the urban environment of Vigo foreseen within 2012.