Factors for Generating Initial Construction Schedules

Abstract : This report outlines a Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) approach to acquiring, formalizing, and representing construction scheduling knowledge. This process formalizes key factors that experienced schedulers use to develop initial construction schedules. This study focused on identifying the factors used to logically sequence construction activities. Four such major factors are: (1) physical relationships among building components (e.g., supported-by, embedded-in,etc.); (2) interaction among crews, equipment, materials, etc.; (3) requirement of an interference-free path for components and their installation; and (4) code regulations that ensure the safety of construction operations and the ability to supervise and inspect installed components. These factors were used to develop a KBS prototype, CASCH, (Computer-assisted Scheduling) computer program that helps formalize and represent the acquired knowledge. This prototype demonstrates the feasibility of delivering scheduling knowledge in a way that enables user interaction. CASCH uses object-oriented and rule-based knowledge representation tools to state typical sequencing rules that help to generate macro-level schedules for typical mid-rise commercial building construction.