International Humanitarian Law

Evening: Reception Monday, May 25 th , 2015 Morning session: “Introduction to International Humanitarian Law” This session will examine the philosophical and historical development of humanitarian law as well as its main goals notably to spare those who do not participate in hostility as well as limiting the violence to the amount necessary to achieve the aim of the conflict. It will further examine the relationship between jus ad bellum and jus in bello. This session will also examine the main sources of IHL and when, where, and to whom it applies Afternoon session: “Interactive exercise on the qualification of conflicts and their consequences” Working in groups, participants will prepare case studies of recent armed conflicts and discuss current legal issues through an interactive discussion with the professor. The objective is to realize the difficulty and importance of the qualification of a situation as an armed conflict; armed conflicts as international or non-international and the implications of these qualifications for the legal protection of persons affected by armed conflicts. Tuesday, May 26 th , 2015 Morning session: “Protection of civilians, including protection of women and children” This session will examine the protection afforded civilians under international humanitarian law. This will include a presentation of the rules that safeguard civilians against the effects of hostilities and the rules that protect civilians who fall into the hands of the enemy. Participants will consider and discuss the special IHL provisions that seek to protect women and children Afternoon session: “Combatant Status and Protection of Prisoners of War” This session will examine who is to be considered a combatant in international armed conflict as well as the notion of “direct participation in hostilities” under IHL and the protections which are afforded to those who are detained under that status. It will further examine what are the protections granted to prisoners of war as well as look into the issue of terrorism and its potential categorization under IHL.